Villas Mediterranean by-laws can be downloaded/viewed in PDF format at the bottom of this page.
By no means all the by-laws! Please download the full version below.
(a) An Owner or Occupier of a Lot must not (subject to the provisions of Section 143 of the Act, Section 5 of the Guide Dogs Act 1972 and paragraph (b) of this By-Law), raise, breed or keep animals,( dog, cat, livestock or poultry, collectively “Animals”) on his Lot without the prior written consent of the Body Corporate, which consent may be withdrawn at any time in circumstances where the Body Corporate reasonably considers that the keeping of the Animal (one (1) only) may interfere with the quite enjoyment of another Lot by its Owner or Occupier as noted in (e) below.
(b) Approval applications must be sought from the Resident Manager, completed and returned with the appropriate paperwork prior to any approval being given by the Body Corporate.
(c) An Owner who, when he first takes possession of his Lot, has a dog, cat or other small animal (one (1) only permitted), which is a pet, may with prior approval of the Body Corporate, keep that animal on his Lot but on its death is not entitled to replace it without seeking written permission from the Body Corporate for a new pet.
(d) The animal must not weight more than 10kg.
(e) Once approval has been given for one (1) pet only the following conditions shall apply:
(i) The pet shall not be permitted to roam through other Lots in the Scheme.
(ii) The pet shall be kept on a leash and in control of the Owner or Occupier of the Lot whilst on Common Property.
(iii) The pet shall not cause any noise or nuisance to Owners or Occupiers of other Lots.
(iv) The Owner or Occupier of the Lot shall make good any damage caused to the Common Property by the pet and shall remove any droppings left by the pet.
(v) The Body Corporate shall be entitled to withdraw its consent and require removal of the pet upon receiving three complaints from Owners or Occupiers of other Lots in the Scheme Land or should the Owner or Occupier of the Lot breach any of the terms and conditions of this consent.
Use of Swimming Pool
(a) The swimming pool and its related facilities constructed on Common Property are to be used in accordance with By-Law 29(b) (as altered or modified from time to time by the Committee).
(b) Each Owner or Occupier must ensure that:
(i) his invitees and guests do not use the swimming pool unless he or another Owner or Occupier accompanies them;
(ii) the swimming pool is only used between the hours of 7.00am and 9.00pm daily;
(iii) children below the age of 12 years are not permitted in or around the swimming pool unless accompanied by an ADULT Owner or Occupier exercising effective control over them;
(iv) he and is invitees exercise caution at all times and not run, or splash, or behave in any way that is likely:
(i) to be a nuisance to other people using the facility or to Owners or Occupiers of adjacent Lots or the owners or occupiers of adjacent land external to the Scheme Land; or
(ii) to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the swimming pool by any other person;
(a) An Owner or Occupier of a Lot must not carry on any noxious or offensive trade or activity on any Lot nor do or permit to be done on it anything which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the Scheme Land or any other Owner or Occupier or which may in any way interfere with the quite enjoyment of another Lot by its Owner or Occupier or which in any way increases the rate of insurance in respect of the Scheme Land.
(b) Without limiting the generality of By-law 7.3(a) each Owner or Occupier must ensure that:
(i) no auction sale is conducted on this Lot, or elsewhere in the Scheme Land but relative to his Lot or anything in it, without the prior written consent of the Body Corporate;
(ii) no sound device (except security or warning devices used exclusively for such purposes) power equipment, power tool or any item which may unreasonably interfere with television or radio reception to any Lot within the Scheme Land, is used on the Scheme Land and no noisy or smoky vehicle or unlicensed off-road vehicle is used or placed on the Scheme Land, or exposed to the view of any other Owner or Occupier, without the prior written consent of the Body Corporate;
(iii) all musical instruments, radio receivers, records, cassettes or disc players, television sets, play stations and the like are controlled so that the sound emanating from them is at a reasonable level and will not cause annoyance to Owners and Occupiers of other Lots;
(iv) his / her guests leaving after 11.00pm are requested to leave quietly;
(v) he / she is quiet when returning to his Lot late at night or in the early morning hours;
(vi) if unavoidable noise will occur in his Lot, take all practical measures (including closing all doors, windows and curtains to his Lot) to minimise annoyance to other Owners and Occupiers; and
(vii) unless otherwise specified in another By-Law or a rule properly made by the Committee, the outdoor recreational areas in the Scheme are not used (whether by him or his guests or invitees) between the hours of 9.00pm and 7.00am.
(a) An Owner or Occupier must not park or keep on his Lot any motor vehicles other than wholly within the parking area designated for it this includes a commercial type vehicle however the vehicle must not exceed 2 tonne, except that a recreational vehicle (which includes, but without limitations, a camper unit, car motor home or boat) may be parked or kept elsewhere on his Lot if it is screened so as not to be visible from any other lot.
(b) The Body Corporate or the Committee may from time to time issue written directions for parking of vehicles on the Common Property and each Owner or Occupier will observe those directions.
(c) The Body Corporate or the Committee may delegate the function of enforcement of the rules and regulations or directions given by the Body Corporate or the Committee pursuant to By-Law 7.4(b) to the caretaking manager or other service provider duly appointed by the Body Corporate to maintain Common Property and, where so delegated, the delegate has all the powers and duties of the Body Corporate with respect to parking of vehicles as the Body Corporate has under the Act, the Module or these By-Laws.
(d) An Owner or Occupier must not conduct repairs or restorations to any motor vehicle, boat, trailer, aircraft or other vehicle on a Lot or Common Property except:
(i) wholly within the Owner’s or Occupier’s garage; and
(ii) if such activity does not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of other Lots by their Owners or Occupiers, but such activity is at no time permitted if it is determined by the Body Corporate in its sole discretion to be a nuisance.
(e) The Owner or Occupier must use his garage only as a garage and for general storage purposes and may not convert it to any other use unless the written consent of the Body Corporate is first obtained and then only in accordance with the terms of such consent.
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